
Hangover Symptoms, Remedies & Prevention

For as common as they are, there is still much to be understood about hangovers. The long-term impact of alcohol is well-understood, but the mechanisms that occur during a hangover are a bit cloudier. The…

How to Quit Drinking Without AA

Another advantage of staying sober without AA is the opportunity to build a support system outside of the program. While AA meetings can provide a sense of community, it is possible to find support in…

Sobriety Strategies: 13 Tips for Staying Sober

They focus on methods that use both Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy components to engender change of self-destructive behaviors. One of the most popular forms of alcohol addiction management and recovery support is…

Sleep Drunkenness: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

If you drink, practice moderation and prioritize your health with strategies like staying hydrated and maintaining good sleep hygiene to minimize the negative effects on your sleep. Avoiding alcohol altogether is recommended for a truly…